Influencer Billy Simani, popularly known as Crazy Nairobian, has been released from police custody following his arrest on Friday. The news of his release was shared by Law Society of Kenya President Faith Odhiambo, who posted a video of herself with Billy after his release.
The release of Billy Alias Crazy Nairobian came after a massive outcry from over 50,000 Kenyans who signed a petition calling for his release and criticizing politicians for the harsh economic conditions in the country. The public support for Billy was overwhelming, with many questioning the reasons behind his arrest.
Digital Strategist Dennis Itumbi, who was following the situation closely, revealed that Billy had been accused of sending threatening messages to a public servant. Itumbi, while acknowledging that sending threatening messages is a crime, expressed his disagreement with Billy’s arrest and promised to reach out to the complainant to see if they would withdraw the charges.
Reports from Billy’s friends and fellow influencers indicated that he was arrested at his home in Mwihoko and taken to an undisclosed police station. Initially, it was believed that Billy was being held at the Muthaiga Police Station, but his friends were unable to locate him there.
The release of Billy Simani has brought relief to his supporters and followers, who had been anxiously awaiting news of his well-being. The incident has sparked a debate on freedom of speech and the use of social media in Kenya, with many calling for a more transparent and fair legal system.
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