Many people found themselves stranded on Wednesday morning after Thika Road flooded at Kenyatta University and Juja. The heavy rains caused a section of the Thika Super Highway to be submerged, particularly the Thika bound underpass of the Juja Flyover area. This led to a disruption in traffic flow along the highway, with motorists having to use the Service Lane to access the highway past the High Point area.
Even the Traffic Police Offices within Juja Police Station were not spared by the flooding, further complicating the situation. Police were forced to turn away motorists on both sides of the road in order to prevent any potential tragedies. They also appealed to motorists to exercise caution when using the Juja Super Highway.
As a result of the flooding, motor vehicles heading from Nairobi towards Thika were forced to make u-turns and head back to the Githurai roundabout. The floods had cut off Kahawa Sukari, making it impossible for any vehicles to head towards Nairobi. Traffic officers were on the ground, diverting motorists towards Mwihoko Road to join the Eastern bypass or towards 44 Road to Kahawa West so that they could proceed to Thika.
The Githurai and Mwiki areas were also affected by the heavy rains, which continued to fall on Wednesday morning. The service lane from Kasarani towards Githurai at the Car Wash area was also affected by floods, adding to the challenges faced by motorists.
Overall, the situation on Thika Road was chaotic and challenging for many commuters. The flooding had caused significant disruptions to traffic flow, leading to many people being stranded and unable to reach their destinations. Authorities were working to manage the situation and ensure the safety of all those affected by the floods.